Colin Powell Elementary School Home

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Important Notice

🚨IMPORTANT🚨Cybersecurity Incident Clarification

Please be advised of this letter from the Union City Superintendent of School Silvia T. Abbato concerning a recent cybersecurity incident. Thank you for taking the time to review all of the pertinent information.
Congratulations Ms. Chavez and Ms. Hernandez

🎉Congratulations Ms. Chavez and Ms. Hernandez🎉

Colin Powell Elementary would like to congratulate this year's Teacher of the Year and ESP of the Year! Congratulations to Ms. Chavez and Ms. Hernandez! We are lucky to have you both as part of our family.

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Mr. Joseph Bonacci
HIB Coordinator
 [email protected]
201-351-5165, Ext. 74507

HIB Score
76 out of 78

Spotlight 2

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