Colin Powell Elementary School Home

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Reading to students at the Colin Powell School

Meeting Lenny Hort

On February 28, 2025, author Lenny Hort visited the Colin Powell School. He engaged our students in Grades K-3 by reading read aloud to them. Students were very excited to meet a real author. This was a great way to start our Read Across America activities!
Colin Powell School Krispy Kreme Sale

Krispy Kreme Donuts Fund Raiser - A Dozen of Glazed Doughnuts for $15

Please be advised a dozen glazed doughnuts are on sale for $15. You can order until Monday March 10, 2025. Doughnuts will be sent home with your child on March 25, 2025. Please send order with cash to checks made out to "Colin Powell School". Order Forms MUST have student's full name and room number.

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Mr. Joseph Bonacci
HIB Coordinator
 [email protected]
201-351-5165, Ext. 74507

HIB Score
76 out of 78

Spotlight 2

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