Mrs. Ellen Cifarelli » ELA Work

ELA Work


Week of October 5, 2020

Boot Camp

Text-Dependent Questions for Boot Camp by Eric Walters

Chapter 5 - 6

Focus: RL 4.2



Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. 

  1. What do you think the go-cart race between Nick and Kia represents in this chapter.  Reread that section closely.  What lesson do you think, JYD wanted to instill, or teach, to Nick and Kia through his advice.  What do you predict Nick will do next time?

  1. What is the lesson, the theme of the race itself.  Reread that last section again - from the start of the race to the end of the chapter.  Think about how that scene contributes to a life lesson for Nick.  What is the underlying message?

  1. Word Work Wednesday -Choose from the following Vocabulary list of words from Chapter 5 and 6 and create a word poster on a google slide.  This will be submitted as a Vocabulary Poster Assignment.


(grove, coy, veer, surge, smug, trot, scowl, skittered, threading, defiant, slump, plastered, optimistic, pessimistic)


  1. Write a summary of Chapter 6.  Use this template to help you:


Somebody / Wanted/ But / So


Think of Nick and Kia as the somebody or just Nick


What (did they WANT to happen)


But (the obstacle or disadvantage in the way)


So (what was the conclusion to the chapter)

  1. What do you think the character of Jamal represents in this story so far?  Support your answer with evidence.  





Week of September 28, 2020

Boot Camp

Text-Dependent Questions for Boot Camp by Eric Walters

Chapter 3 - 4

Focus: RL 4.6

Point of View

Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations. 


These are guiding questions for this standard and can be applied to Boot Camp's chapters.
  • Who is telling this story? How do you know?

  • Are the narrator and the author the same person? How do you


  • What point of view is this written from?

  • What does (character/narrator) think of (event/action)? What

    do you think? What would you have done differently?

Monday September 28, 2020

  1. Who is telling the story?  How do you know what point of view the story is being told.  Give an example.
Tuesday September 29, 2020
2. How would the story be different if told from another character’s point of view?  (For example, if chapter 3 was told from Kia’s point of view?)
Wednesday September 30, 2020
3. Word Work Wednesday -Choose from the following Vocabulary list of words from Chapters 1-4 and create a word poster.

(tentative, impose, chided, retreat, assemble, craned, hesitant, reassure, unison, attend)


Thursday October 1, 2020

4. What do Nick and Kia’s questions at the end of chapter 3 reveal about their point of view of their impression of Boot Camp so far? What would you have asked or done differently?
Friday October 2, 2020
5.Write a journal entry from either Nick’s or  Kia’s point of view after reading chapter 4.  Whoever you choose, put yourself in their shoes and reflect on the first day of Boot Camp. (How was your experience, what was your impression of the way it was run, has your mind changed about JYD at all.)


Week of September 21, 2020

ELA Focus: Reading Informational Text: Central Message; Main Idea & Supporting Details

Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

ELA Focus: Reading Literature:

Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.

These are guiding questions for this standard and can be applied to Boot Camp's chapters.
  • What happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story/chapter?

  • What is a summary of this story/chapter?

  • What is the lesson you should learn from this story/chapter?

  • What is this story/chapter trying to teach?

  • What does ________ represent in the story?


Boot Camp

Text-Dependent Questions for Boot Camp by Eric Walters

Chapter 2

After reading Chapter 1 of Boot Camp from the TumbleBook Library app on Classlink, students will respond to the following TDQs. They are called this because students must use support from the text to prove their answer. I will guide them until they understand how to respond fully.


Monday September 21, 2020

Text Dependent Question:

1. On page 7 of Chapter 2, Nick's mom says to Nick and Kia, "A second language can only benefit you in life." Why did she say this to them and what details in that part of the story support what she meant. Remember to restate this with a topic sentence, include your answer, provide support, and polish it up with transitional phrases or words.


Tuesday September 22, 2020

2. What two important lessons was Mr. Williams, AKA Sergeant Push-up trying to teach the kids on their first day of Boot Camp." How did he go about explaining his method? Do you think he was effective? Remember to start with a topic sentence, answer with your own commentary, provide proof in the form of details from the text, and polish your writing with transitional words or phrases.


Wednesday September 23, 2020 (Word Work Wednesday)

3. Choose from the following Vocabulary list of words from Chapter 2 and create a word poster, using the sample word poster template on the side. You can print it out and complete it or copy it into your notebook and create it there.


(nudged, lush, register, impression, bellowed, mumbled, criticizing, saunter)


Thursday September 24, 2020

4. Summarize the chapter, using the graphic organizer on the left. Remember to include the beginning, middle, AND end in your summary.


Friday September 25, 2020

5. What was the theme of Chapter 2. Remember theme is written in a complete sentence. Provide support for your idea.








Week of September 14, 2020


Boot Camp

Text-Dependent Questions for Boot Camp by Eric Walters

Chapter 1

After reading Chapter 1 of Boot Camp from the TumbleBook Library app on Classlink, students will respond to the following TDQs. They are called this because students must use support from the text to prove their answer. I will guide them until they understand how to respond fully.


1. When we first meet Nick, he is gaming.  What details in the story help you understand why he is spending so much time doing that activity? Cite textual evidence.

2. From the conversation between his mom and him, how would you describe her feelings about Nick spending so much time playing video games? What textual evidence supports your idea.

3. How does Nick react when his mom tells him she signed him up for a dance class at the community center? What does their conversation say about their relationship?  Cite evidence for your inference.
4. How does Nick feel about Jerome inviting him and Kia to his basketball boot camp in D.C?  What details in the text support your response?

* Select two words from below and define them as they are used in the story.

Chapter 1 of the story.

Vocabulary:  expression, options, holidays, gasped, discipline, typical